Photos of our Facilities
1. Welcome to our "Home Away From Home"
2. Getting ready for another production run for our present and future customers
3. Paul Hopkins watches closely while our machinest turns out another Hopkins flathead tone ring. Each stage of the work is meticulously excecuted. We have machined hundreds of tone rings. Each one passes a rigorous inspection. Samples are taken on a regular basis and submitted for metallurgical analysis to insure the correct composition.
4. Necks in construction.
5. We build several necks simultaneously during our production run to fulfill existing and future orders
6. One of the critical elements of our banjos is to ensure a proper heel cut to match the pot assembly and this allows us maximum sound transmission, contributing to the "Classic" Hopkins sound.

7. In order to produce the most precise inlays possible, we use this state of the art CNC cutter to produce both the inlays and the openings into which they fit.

8. Then the fingerboards and inlays are brought over to this table, where they are assembled carefully by Paul or David Hopkins.

9. David Hopkins at work on a neck assembly after fingerboard has been attached. Next, David will stain it and Paul will put the finish on it.

11. Necks being prepared for finish work before installation into our new banjos
13. Final assembly is done here under bright light so every aspect of the instrument can be clearly seen. On this same table, Mike Longworth inlaid the fingerboards of the stringed instruments of many famous musicians. His work is still known world-wide.

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